Why Vizoo Technology?

High Quality

Complete, quality digital materials bring photo-realism to any 3D workflow.

Lightning Fast

xTex™ and physX™ are the fastest and easiest material digitization solutions available which enables scaling and mass production.

Universally Compatible

Capture once and use everywhere. Our universal output works with any 3D workflow.


As a proven and long-standing digitization solution, clients trust Vizoo systems in mission critical initiatives.

Made in Germany

Vizoo hardware and software solutions are engineered and developed in-house to meet industry specific needs.

High Value

High quality output, ease of use, and speed add up to a fast return on investment.

Our Solutions

  • xTex™ Hardware

    PBR Texture Generation

  • xTex™ Software

    Capture, Tile, Recolor

  • physX™ Platform

    Physical Property Database

  • Digitization Service

    On-demand Digitization

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